Beer Studio fortsätter att satsa på produkter med låg eller ingen alkohol under 2020. Här har ni alla svaren från Darren Packman i vår enkätserie.
1. Vad var det bästa som hände för ert bryggeri/företag under 2019?
– Tough call! Beer-wise the highlights were probably finally getting our 570 Day Coconut Imperial Milk Stout finished and the entire batch selling out in 5 days. And then winning a gold medal for Monkey Mountain APA at Nolia Beer 2019 as it’s a beer we’ve worked hard on and one we’ve felt has been overlooked a few times in the past. Over at our ‘soda alter-ego’ Pop Art making Åkerbär – the world’s most expensive soda – was a blast and creating our first craft tonic using real Cinchona bark was creatively challenging and exciting!
2. Vad blir era största satsningar eller förändringar i verksamheten under 2020?
– We’re looking forward to expanding our range of low/no-alcohol-brands in 2020. We feel the market is moving more towards this segment and we want to fulfil this growing need with innovative craft drinks made honestly and with no artificial bullshit whatsoever.
3. Hur mycket öl producerade ni 2019 och hur mycket räknar ni med att producera under 2020?
– A little over 90,000 liters of beer and craft soda and aiming to break the 100,000-barrier in 2020!
4. Vilken fråga tror du blir viktigast för svenska bryggerier under 2020? Varför?
As small, independent brewers we’d love to see some more movement on gårdsförsäljning. Being able to sell even a limited amount of beers from our brewery would make a significant impact not only to our income but also to the way we’d be able to interact with the local community and increase the public’s knowledge about how craft drinks are made.
5. Vilket svenskt bryggeri imponerade mest på dig under 2019? Varför just det bryggeriet?
At this year’s Nolia Beer we got stuck at O/O Brewing’s stand and never wanted to leave. Epic beer after epic beer kept coming and we were blown away by the style spins and quality levels of all of them. For us the most inventive and quality-driven brewery we tasted in 2019. But we also need to mention a brewery a little closer to home. Gustaf at This is How bossed it in 2019. His takes on the Berliner Weisse style were standout!