Craig Donovan på Nordic Kiwi Brewers har haft ett år fullt med händelser och så fortsätter det under 2019. Här är Craigs svar i enkätserien, hoppas ni är okej med lite engelska.
1. Vad var det bästa som hände för ditt bryggeri under 2018?
– 2018 has been a year of expansion and change for NKB. We moved over to cans, moved the brewery and moved a Kiwi brewer to Sweden. It’s been a full-on year to say the least.
2. Hur mycket öl bryggde ni under 2018 och hur mycket räknar ni med att brygga under 2019?
– We brewed around 100 000 liters and are looking to double that in 2019.
3. Vilket bryggeri tycker du är bäst i Sverige? Motivera.
– Always a tough one… I’d have to say Omnipollo for putting Swedish craft beer on the global stage and continuing to forge ahead. Would also like to give a shout out to some perhaps unsung heroes Temple and Beerbliotek for their collabs – spreading the love and good vibe.
4. Vad tror du blir den största utmaningen för svensk öl generellt under 2019?
– I’d say the greatest challenge is navigating the market conditions here in Sweden and continuing to drive growth in beer sales in an over-supplied market. Larger breweries are turning to craft and craft breweries are turning to lager – so we have come full circle and there is a lot of fence jumping going on in trying to drive company growth. It’s a bit ironic that craft is now lager – wasn’t that why we all started craft breweries in the first place – to challenge macro lager?
5. Vilket blir ditt bryggeris största projekt under 2019?
– Now that we have bigger digs and a better set up for hosting guests, we will start with tastings, tours and pub nights. Then, all things going well, we hope to upgrade the brewhouse to a larger system.
6. Vem i hela världen skulle du helst vilja dricka en öl tillsammans med? Varför?
– There’s a few… Richard Branson – my wife calls him the Dalai lama of business – he has this great ethos about looking after his people. Winston Churchill to keep that courage to continue in the face of adversity – stiff upper lip and all that. And perhaps Trump – how not to win friends and influence people – haha.