Beerbliotek ska fira femårsjubileum. Men också satsa mer på suröl. Det och mer avslöjas i vår enkät.
Beerbliotek har en hel del planer för 2018. Darryl De Necker berättar bland annat om en nysatsning på suröl vid deras anläggning vid Sockerbruket. Här är alla hans svar.
1. Vad var det bästa som hände för ert bryggeri/företag under 2017?
Every year we’ve been expanding, whilst brewing new beer to keep building our beer library. We ended up brewing 28 new beers as well as brewing our 200th beer.
This year we brewed the official GBG Beer Week for 2017, A Session IPA called A Moment of Clarity. We had a great launch and A Moment of Clarity has now qualified in to 96 Systembolaget stores, and will launch with an updated label on March 1 2018.
We hope it continues to be a beer for everyone.
We also decided to focus exclusively on cans and kegs at our Kungssten Brewery.
Our strategy for Systembolaget in 2017 was also to release a new beer in the assortment every month, and we released 9 new beers during 2017. This has helped us get a larger variety of our beers to a wider audience in Sweden. We’re aiming to keep our Systembolaget assortment at 10 beers as we rotate certain beers out, to make space for the new ones.
2. Vad blir era största satsningar eller förändringar i verksamheten under 2018?
In 2018 we will spend more and more time at our Sockerbruket Sour Brewery, re-focussing on our sour beers, whilst at the same time becoming more efficient at our Kungssten Brewery. A continual goal of ours.
2018 is also our 5th year anniversary, so we’re aiming to celebrate throughout the year.
3. Hur mycket öl producerade ni 2017 och hur mycket räknar ni med att producera under 2018?
? litres in 2017 and as mentioned we’ll be spending some more time at our Sour Brewery, adding more exports markets, releasing more beer at Systembolaget, so we’re aiming for between 450-500,000 litres.
4. Vilken fråga tror du blir viktigast för svenska bryggerier under 2018?
We hope there will be a continued improvement in quality, in order for the bottom 80% to join the top 20%. Sourcing locally produced ingredients will also start taking off, as seen with the new Malt Producer (The Vxo Company) outside of Växjö. This should also create more interest in Swedish Craft Beer.
5. Vilket var Sveriges bästa bryggeri 2017?
Difficult question to answer. Dugges is always a favourite, and there’s easily another 10-15 other great Brewers and Friends, but we’ll probably forget someone off the list if we had to name names.