Hop Shed ska växa rejält under 2020


Rob Bough hoppas på en ordentlig utveckling under nästa år. Foto: Peter Lindh

Gotländska Hop Shed hoppas på att dubbla produktionen under nästa år. Det och mer får du veta i vår enkätserie.

1. Vad var det bästa som hände för ert bryggeri/företag under 2019?

– We opened our second brewery, and brewpub. It was hard work but it’s become a fantastic location to showcase our own, and other Gotlandsk breweries products in a fantastic old barn. It has even allowed us to have a fixed venue for our summer beer festival, and new this year, a winter beer festival too!

2. Vad blir era största satsningar eller förändringar i verksamheten under 2020?
– From January we will be rolling out our beers at another 3 systembolaget stores. We will also be pushing to make the Hop Shed Beer Festival one of the best festivals in Sweden.

3. Hur mycket öl producerade ni 2019 och hur mycket räknar ni med att producera under 2020?
– We are around 20,000 liters this year, and hoping to double that next year.

4. Vilken fråga tror du blir viktigast för svenska bryggerier under 2020? Varför?
– Without doubt, a lowered alcohol tax for breweries. It would allow small breweries to grow, invest in better equipment and therefore brew better beer. It would also create jobs, and importantly reduce the amount of unpaid work that comes with owning a brewery.

5. Vilket svenskt bryggeri imponerade mest på dig under 2019? Varför just det bryggeriet?
– Brewski for sure. Not only did we have the privilege of attending brewskival this year, but the work Marcus is doing for Swedish craft beer internationally is amazing. They have come out with some amazing beers this year as well!